Saturday, February 9, 2013

Essentially Delicious

Sickness has hit our house hard these last few weeks. It started with me, then my son got it, and then my husband. I won't go into detail, but let's just say we were all a little tired, cranky, and sick of it (no pun intended)! Finally after almost three weeks, we are all feeling healthy.

While we were all trying to rest and get healthy, we watched a lot of shows on Amazon Prime on our tv, one of these being Essential Pepin. Jacques Pepin shares recipes from throughout his life, from simple dishes like quiche to complicated and expensive things like tuna tartar. I love watching him cook and learning about so many simple French (and American and other) recipes. I was so inspired that I had to buy his book (Check it out below using my Amazon link)! I know he is a very famous chef and makes it look easy on tv, so it may take me a few tries on some of his recipes, but I can't wait to start trying them out.

As Jacques would say, "Happy cooking!"

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